If you are in need of some laughs and giggles, may we suggest you make it part of your daily or weekly routine to check out the Facebook highlight reel of your dog at The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa?
Our professional doggy daycare managers keep the video reels going throughout the day to capture your bestie at play! You may be surprised to see how your pooch acts when you aren’t around!
When work, the kids, life, or school gets you down, there is no bigger way to put a smile on your face than to see the dogs in action at The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa.
Favorite Highlights from the Dogs at The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa
Summer is just days away! The dogs at The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa are feeling some early summer fun! With the warm weather and our uber-spectacular, super-splash-zone water park for dogs, our dogs are having a crazy good time.
Frenchie Wipe Out

Check out this screen shot of Little Frenchie gone wild! Then zip over to our Facebook page to see the video in “reel” time. His form is incredible, but his recovery earns Frenchie a Purrfect 10!
It’s Monday. Is that Mufasa Overlooking the Land?
The Facebook message speaks of new friends having a blast! We think the Border Collie on the top of the play structure makes for a perfect Mufasa overlooking his den, no? Someone has to be in charge of the pack! Click here to see the “reel” version of what’s going on in the play area!
Guess What Happens Next?
The scene: a bunch of dogs gather around on a warm day with water features. Guess what happens next? Do the pack of dogs:
A) Call it a day and lie down?
B) Run laps?
C) Start howling for treats?
Click the Facebook link to find out!
Keeping Your Dogs and Cats Safe and Healthy This Summer
The Pet Ranch Resort and Spa wants to remind you to keep your dogs and cats safe and healthy this summer. In our May Bowser Report, we posted an infographic reminding you of ways to make sure your dogs and cats are safe and healthy in the summer weather.
Summer may also be a good time to check and see if your dogs or cats suffer from some of the most common pet ailments.
According to Vetsource, “Dogs and cats have many of the same health problems as humans — but they may not show symptoms in the same ways we do. Our pets have an instinctual response to hide their vulnerabilities. It’s up to us to pay attention, learn the symptoms, and help them get the best treatment.”
Some of the most common ailments in dogs and cats include:
- Fleas
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Ear infections
- Allergies
- Worms
- Urinary tract infections
- Hot spots/skin irritations
Check with your vet to make sure your pet is healthy and happy! Don’t forget about their mental health as well! Keeping your pet fit, active, and interacting with friends is part of their social development.
The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa is happy to offer doggie daycare and boarding for your dog or cat. Contact us today to find out more or make a reservation!