From spooky sharks to Barbie, cowboys, Superheroes, farm, zoo, and wild animals and every idea in between, The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa‘s annual Howl-o-ween photos captured the spirit of Halloween.
As usual, some pets were more excited than others to be in the limelight and were quite at ease being photographed, while others just did the bare minimum to make Mom and Dad happy!
Nevertheless, this event is one of The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa‘s favorites as we really get a great shot of each dog, cat, or pair of dogs and their personalities.
While we don’t have a favorite Howl-o-ween costume participant, we are super excited to have the cats participate this year!
A Big Shout Out to our Amazing Staff who Made Howl-o-Ween Possible
This event could not take place without the patience, enthusiasm and creativity of our staff who love capturing the best side of each participant, even if it involves wrangling them in and grabbing their attention or taking shot after shot until we capture the perfect expression!
Take a Peek at Some of Our Howl-o-ween Participants
We just can’t get enough of this cuteness overload! For more images sorted by last name, please visit our Facebook page.
Please Keep Your Pets Safe this Halloween
Between the cars, Trick-or-Treators, candy and ghoulish activity Halloween will bring, please take a minute to make sure your dog or cat is safe and secure this Halloween.
It’s a good time to make sure your dogs and cats are safely inside and unable to run out the door as you welcome the ghosts, dragons and fairies that come knocking on your door for candy.
For dogs and cats who get especially nervous with activity, doorbells or strangers, a calming aid or Thundershirt may prove especially helpful.
Remember chocolate is especially toxic to dogs who may easily snatch a Snickers or two while no one is looking. Let’s keep all of our campers out of the ER and save you some money by putting all chocolate out of reach.
Light up the darkness with a glow in the dark collar while you walk your pooch around the neighborhood and remember to have anyone ask to pet your dog first to avoid any anxious dog behaviors.
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween
The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa wants to thank you for trusting us with the care of your dog or cat, and we wish you a safe and happy Halloween!
Thanks to everyone for allowing us the pleasure of enjoying another eventful Howl-o-ween photo day!