It’s Easter weekend, and dogs and cats around town are gearing up for a rip-roaring good time! Some of us get to partake in the fun of running around with the kids while they hunt for these plastic bundles of candy-filled fun that we are not allowed to eat, chew on, or steal.
Some of us are looking forward to seeing people and their pets we haven’t seen since the time our people brought trees in from the wild, threw balls and strings on them and told us not to touch them. Um, hello?! We are dogs and cats! We chase balls and strings! Sigh.
If you are hosting a jolly good time or having friends over, The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa has some tips to keep us safe!
Tips to Keep Your Dogs and Cats Safe this Easter
If you are hosting an Easter celebration, you may want to keep these tips in mind for a safe, healthy, happy, and enjoyable Easter for your pets and your company.
- Consider putting your pets in a room or crate while you have company over. While The Ranch understands your love for your amazing pets, Uncle Henry and Cousin Linda may not enjoy LeRoy, the Rottweilers, excitement over seeing new guests. Some people may not like dogs or cats (we know, we don’t understand either), may have had a bad experience with them, or be allergic to them. If your pets are locked up in your room or crate, they will be safe from knocking into or over your guests, causing a fear-bite reaction, getting out of an open door, or being fed food or treats from a well-meaning guest.
- Do not feed chocolate, candy items, food with bones, hot cross buns or any food with currants or raisins in them, any foods with garlic or onions, or any foods whose ingredients may be hidden, or alcohol. These people foods can cause dogs to vomit, have an upset stomach or diarrhea, choke, or have to go to the ER for a very, very expensive treatment.
- Keep all tulips and daffodils away from curious pets. The bulbs and even the water in the vases can cause upset stomachs, mouth irritations, difficulty breathing, or heart problems. While these plants and flowers are gorgeous, it’s best for everyone to admire them up and away from pets.
- Synthetic easter grass. All of that stringy “grass” is colored with dyes and is non-digestible and can block the intestines leading to illness, surgery, or in the worst cases, death.
- In the event your dog does ingest something or acts ill, please contact your vet or emergency vet immediately.
Healthy Treats You Can Feed Your Pets
If you want to indulge your dog or cat this Easter season, here are some tasty, healthy treats you can feed your pet. Just do so in moderation to avoid an upset tummy.
Foods we recommend and even encourage you to feed your pets in moderation any day:
- Cooked lean meat, fish, eggs
- Broccoli cut into small pieces
- Peas
- Bananas
- Apples
- Watermelon
- Blueberries
- Rice
- Oatmeal
- Spinach
A healthy diet is optimal for both pets and humans. When we choose to indulge in clean eating, we look and feel better! But it’s ok to indulge every now and then!
Wishing Your Family and Pets a Happy, Healthy Easter Weekend!