“Twas a week before Christmas and all through the Ranch, not a creature was stirring nor fetching a branch. The stocking were hung by the chimney with care, and the cats knocked them down while their humans did glare.”

It’s us, the Cats and Dogs at The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa with our holiday wishes! We love being a part of what mom and dad call your “inbox,” and entertaining you with all the awesome happenings at The Ranch.
This year has flown by, and we sure enjoy all the love, attention, hugs, smiles, story telling, petting, fetching, picture taking, video taking (some of us are Stars! ⭐️), grooming, and training we have gotten. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for us next year! Woo hoo!
So Much Excitement at our Homes Away from The Ranch
You normally don’t get to hear about our home lives, so we wanted to give you an inside sneak peek into what is happening at our homes away from The Ranch.
There are lots of celebrations going around!
We see pretty wrapped presents under the tree with bows and ribbons but the cats are NOT allowed to touch them-what is up with that? You tempt us with pretty strings all the time and you laugh at us when we chase them, but then you put these shiny ribbons on the boxes and get upset when we want to attack them? We are confuzzled.
The dogs smell yummy baked goodies and sometimes these morsels called “ingredients” drop on the floor and when we go to lick them up, we are told, “No!” Such great smells, and we dogs aren’t allowed to have them…hmmm…we must get to the dropped food faster!
Most of us dogs and cats feel the excitement and a little bit of stress as our hoomans rush around cleaning our fur off the couches (we are not sure why, it’s just going to be there tomorrow), wiping off our muddy paws (to us, those are works of art!), tidying up the bathrooms and guest rooms (the ones we are not usually allowed in), and bathing us so we look pretty and smell fresh and clean (eww…yuck…cat vomit fur ball gross).
The mail person, UPS driver, and Fedex helper are visiting more than usual, and we have even started to like some of them, especially the ones who greet us at the door with treats! The cats love the boxes they bring while the dogs sniff to get a whiff of what might be inside!
There are beautiful candles lit up in celebration of the different ways people celebrate the holidays and some houses even have silly toys that stand still and have air in them. But we are not allowed to bite at them or bark at them or they “pop.” Who knew? They looked so fun to pounce on!
The cats like to climb the trees, I mean helloooo…that is what cats do, right? But not these special trees. The cats report some trees don’t even smell, taste or feel real…we are confuzzled again.
Can someone please explain to us dogs why we can’t mark these trees? I mean, we lift our legs on them outside…but get yelled at when we try to mark our territory on them inside. We are scratching our heads and our bellies trying to understand how any of this makes sense.
We haven’t talked about the balls! Oooh, there are so many balls! Bright, shiny, glittery balls and more glistening, flowing strings and ribbons on these “trees.” But we all get in trouble for biting, chewing, swatting, or batting at them.
This holiday madness is delightful and confusing, and we do wonder why it only happens once a year!
Happy Holidays from All of Us at The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa!
May all of you take the time to enjoy each other, sniff a few presents, and eat some delicious treats. Thank you for being a part of our The Pet Resort and Spa Family.